
Wednesday 5 March 2014

Cadbury Curlywurly

Product name: Cadbury Curlywurly
65 for a 14g bar
Country of origin:

This treatsize Cadbury Curlywurly was part of a Mondelez Christmas selection pack I received as part of a gift last year. I’m not really a big fan of chewy bars like this but they’re ok and I certainly wouldn’t let one go to waste! 

Simply described as ‘milk chocolate with caramel centre (69%)’, the Curlywurly came in its usual but uniquely designed white wrapper with its name being written in colourful writing. Its shape, as well, was something a bit different since it was a long, flat and holey bar. Unfortunately, mine was a bit bashed, but I tried not to hold that against it too much! 

Unfortunately, this product was coated in standard Cadbury chocolate rather than Dairy Milk, and so only contained a minimum of 14% milk solids. The chocolate did have quite a strong scent, though, and I did wish there had been more of it! 

The stiff caramel centre looked smooth and was a good colour. Despite being extremely chewy, it was soft too, so it was a bit like chewing gum once it had been worked on a little bit. Its sugariness did result in a slightly rough surface texture but I did like how the chocolate quickly mixed into the overall experience. On the downside, the thinness of the chocolate combined with the thickness of the caramel, meant that the bar didn’t melt very well as an alternative method of consumption. 

The caramel was very much the main feature of this sweet bar – the chocolate was fine but nothing to write home about. Together, the bar was never going to be the most amazing thing in the world, but I have to admit that my lack of excitement over it was more down to my personal taste rather than specific problems with the product. I don’t mind chewiness, here and there, but I much prefer it if there’s a contrasting texture alongside it. Still, this was a good bar for children and, with so few calories, for dieters too! 

Appearance: 7/10
Overall score:

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