
Monday 10 February 2014

Tesco Christmas: Milk chocolate satsumas

Product name: Tesco Christmas: Milk chocolate satsumas
85 per satsuma

Every year, for as long as I can remember, I have received a satsuma in my Christmas stocking and, every year, it goes uneaten (there was even a year when I found it in a drawer months later – it was rock solid!). Last Christmas, I was delighted to find that Santa didn’t attempt to give me any real fruit but, instead, gave me three chocolate satsumas.

I had actually seen these chocolates in Tesco prior to Christmas so, on receiving my own, I had a quick look on their website to obtain a bit of information about them since I didn’t have the whole bag. Now Christmas is over, that webpage is no longer active, so I’ve also used this website for a few further details. 

I loved how this product was designed to look exactly like the real thing. Coming in a net bag, 135g worth of milk chocolate was moulded into balls which were individually wrapped in mottled orange foil wrappers that even featured a green sticker detail that simply stated ‘orange chocolate’.  

These Tesco Christmas: Milk chocolate satsumas were slightly smaller than real satsumas but, despite being hollow, the chocolate was still relatively thick. I was slightly disappointed by their inner appearance since the chocolate had been scuffed but, thankfully, their centres looked nice and smooth. The chocolates had also been engraved to look like satsuma segments but  I thought this made them look more like basketballs! 

The chocolate contained a minimum of 30% cocoa solids and 20% milk solids and produced a strong, tangy orange aroma. Surprisingly, the milk chocolate flavour was prominent by itself when I first tried a piece, but then the orange taste kicked in. It was as tangy as it had smelt to the extent that it was almost metallic when allowing it melt. I don’t think the flavour was quite as deep as what you get from a Terry’s Chocolate Orange but it was still enjoyable with a powerful taste. The chocolate was also pleasantly chunky to chew but I think it would have been even better if the satsumas were made from solid chocolate instead.

All in all, this was a great novelty product, and I hope Santa remembers to bring me some more next Christmas! 

Appearance: 7.5/10
Overall score:

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