
Sunday 16 February 2014

Müller Corner: De luxe (crème praline)

Product name: Müller Corner: De luxe (crème praline)
Purchase details:
£1.00 for a pack of two 130g yoghurts (
238 per yoghurt
Country of origin:

I’ve wanted to try a ‘new’ Müller Corner: De luxe for a while but, if I’m honest, I’ve been put off by the standard prices so have been waiting for them to be on offer. (We did have a different variety in our house a couple of months back but they contained alcohol so I decided against trying those ones!) 

I mainly associate Müller Corners with my childhood Summer holidays – it used to be a treat to be able to mix a crunchy or fruity (if I was slightly less lucky!) ingredient in with the main yoghurt section. The packaging and name of this crème praline variety, though, made it clear that this particular yoghurt was a bit more up-market. 

I loved the sophisticated black and brown design of the packaging (even the plastic pot was black instead of white), and the images of a cream-topped tower of chocolates, as well as a spoon containing all three layers of the product within. I couldn’t wait to tuck into what was described as a ‘velvety smooth praline flavour’ yoghurt that contained 15% whipping cream. Beneath this yoghurt I was supposed to find ‘an alluring hidden dark chocolate layer’ but, on peeling off the foil lid, this was already partly on show. For this particular Corner, the accompaniment I would be mixing into the main yoghurt was ‘crispy fancies coated with milk chocolate’, and these contributed to 8% of the product. 

I’d never had (or even heard of) praline yoghurt before but this dessert really did both smell and taste of hazelnuts, although a tangy yoghurt element was also present in both. (Bizarrely, whilst the health warnings confirmed a presence of nuts, these weren’t actually listed on the ingredients.) Claiming to be indulgent and a ‘creamy heaven’, the yoghurt did have a lot to live up to, but the very pale beige element of this product really was incredibly creamy. It was also beautifully thick and smooth. 

The chocolate layer was very watery in consistency and, although it introduced a slight bitterness to the overall experience, it seemed to have picked up a lot of the yoghurt’s tang over anything else. I actually felt a little let down by this sauce since it seemed to take away from the fantastic creaminess that was so present when trying the praline yoghurt aspect of the product alone. 

The knobbly fancies had a noticeable chocolate aroma and, taste-wise, were the same as the other cereal-type crunchy pieces used in different Müller Corners. As expected, they were very crispy, and I also found they tasted more chocolatey than the actual chocolate layer beneath the yoghurt. 

As tasty as this yoghurt was, for me, it didn’t compare to an actual praline-containing chocolate. However, for a yoghurt, it had a great flavour – I genuinely would have been happy for it just to consist of the yoghurt and fancies, though, and I think, if that had been the case, it may even have resulted in a higher score! 

Appearance: 8/10
Aroma: 7.5/10
Overall score:

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