
Tuesday 4 February 2014

Lovetub Triple Choc Pud

Product name: Lovetub Triple Choc Pud
Purchase details:
£1.35 for a 90g tub (Sainsbury’s Local)
356 per tub
Country of origin:

Several months ago I had a voucher for a Lovetub dessert but, unfortunately, I was unable to track one down. Since then, I’ve been dying to try one, so I was delighted when I accidentally came across this Triple Choc Pud when I was looking for the new Cadbury Creme Egg: Pots of joy (which I didn’t actually find!). 

Presented in a brown pot, this product screamed ‘CHOCOLATE!’ and came described as a ‘sumptuous choc sponge and rich chocolate sauce sprinkled with cute choc hearts’. I loved the brand’s logo which involved a spoon holding a heart-shaped scoop of sauce too. 

The dessert was designed to be eaten hot from the tub having been microwaved for 30 to 35 seconds. After this point, the packaging promised a ‘hot’ and ‘saucy’ product. 

On peeling back the film lid, I was pleased to see the milk and white chocolate hearts on the pudding’s surface – I’d secretly been looking forward to these. However, I was a little disappointed that they only contributed to 1% of the overall product and, as a result, weren’t scattered throughout. 

On the plus side, the chocolate sauce (35% of the pudding) became very gooey when melted, and produced a pleasant hot chocolate aroma. This liquid sauce was beautiful, achieving a great balance of creamy and chocolatey – it contained whipping cream as well as Belgian dark chocolate (14%). The hearts melted into this quickly which, whilst would have added to the overall experience, meant they didn’t make a noticeable impact – they were simply included as a decorative feature. 

The chocolate sponge was very tasty too. Also containing Belgian dark chocolate (9%), as well as cocoa, it had a really dense and doughy texture. It was more moist near the top where it had been in contact with the sauce but, as I dug deeper, it didn’t become dry at all and I was surprised at just how well it retained its heat. 

I have to say that this was a great little instant dessert and provided a decent chocolate hit. Now I just hope it won’t take me quite as long to find the Sticky Toffee Pud version! 

Appearance: 8/10
Overall score:

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