
Tuesday 18 February 2014

Krispy Kreme Caramel Macchiato

Product name: Krispy Kreme Caramel Macchiato
Purchase details:
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
278 for a 65g doughnut
Country of origin:

I’m one of a strange breed who can’t stand the taste of a cup of coffee but really enjoys coffee-flavoured sweet treats. For that reason, I decided to try the Caramel Macchiato doughnut for my free birthday doughnut from the Krispy Kreme Rewards card. Since a few hours have passed since claiming my doughnut and writing this review, I have completely forgotten how much it should have been. In my head, it was £0.05 more expensive than the Original Glazed, making it £1.40, but I may be completely wrong! 

I obtained this doughnut’s nutritional information from the official Krispy Kreme guide (see here), and found from the general website that the Caramel Macchiato was effectively an Original Glazed that had been ‘hand-piped with caramel and coffee drizzles’ and ‘topped with coffee pieces’. As a result, I won’t go into major detail since I’ve said most of it already! 

According to Google's ‘define:’ tool, a macchiato is ‘a drink of espresso coffee with a dash of frothy steamed milk’. How this would be captured in a ‘drizzle’,  I wasn’t sure! 

The doughnut was the same in appearance as the Original Glazed but had the added attraction of the icings which were two different shades of brown and had been applied in a kind of cross shape. I was particularly impressed that most of the coffee pieces had stayed in place despite me having not gone straight home with my treasured treat. 

The main aroma was identical to the Original Glazed but, up-close (and I literally mean holding it right next to my nose!), there was a very, very slight hint of coffee. 

I tried the piping on its own and found that the darker brown coffee flavour tasted like a sugary sweet but slightly bitter coffee creme. The lighter caramel icing initially tasted like the glaze but then an additional buttery kind of flavour kicked in too. I found the coffee pieces to mainly taste of sugar but they did also have a hint of coffee. 

Bizarrely, when eating the doughnut as a whole, it didn’t really taste any different from the Original Glazed at all. I think it may have been a little sweeter but I genuinely couldn’t detect a coffee flavour over this. However, the bumpy icings and hard, crispy coffee pieces did create a more textured experience. 

Since the Caramel Macchiato had all the Krispy Kreme delicious, sugary goodness of the Original Glazed, I would recommend it, but there isn’t really much between them so, if you’re after a strong coffee hit, you might be better off with an actual cup of coffee to accompany the signature doughnut! 

Appearance: 8.5/10
Overall score:


  1. mmmm this looks so good! For years I was the opposite to you, I LOVE coffee (total morning coffee addict) but hated anything coffee flavoured, like sweets or cakes. That's totally changed recently though and I would definitely love to try this doughnut. Hope you had a lovely birthday!

    1. Ooh maybe I'll start to like coffee one day then - in lots of ways, I wish I did already!

      You'll have to let me know what you think if you try this one. I can't wait to try the other two coffee doughnuts in the range too. My new Rewards card is going to be the death of my waistline ;)

      Thank you very much - I had a great day :)

    2. It's weird, my taste buds have changed quite a bit over the years. Although it might just be that I am less fussy nowadays lol

    3. I'm exactly the same! Particularly with vegetables - weird!

  2. Gosh this looks so delicious! I will have to make it my mission to sample this coffee caramel delight! Great review :)


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