
Friday 10 January 2014

Storck Werther's Original: Butter candies

Product name: Storck Werther’s Original: Butter candies
213 per 50g pack
Country of origin:

When I was a toddler, there was an elderly lady in my church who, every week without fail, would give me a Werther’s Original. I’ve never forgotten that about her so, on the few occasions I’ve eaten their toffees since, it’s taken me back to that period in my life. In fact, when I received this pack of traditional Butter candies in one of my Christmas stockings, I realised that this is possibly the first time I’ve ever had a whole packet to myself! 

Storck now have a fairly large variety of products under the Werther’s Original brand, but these Butter candies were recognisable by the burgundy tip on the creamy yellow wrapper. There was also a picture of the dimpled toffees on the front and, whilst no nutritional information was provided here, this was obtainable from their website.

Each ‘classic candy made with real butter and fresh cream’ came individually wrapped in simple cellophane and, beneath this, the sweets had a glossy butterscotch appearance which was smooth throughout. 

The 10 candies in the pack mainly consisted of sugar, but also had cream and butter accounting for 7% and 4.5% of the ingredients, respectively. They gave off a very, very slight caramel aroma but, in contrast to this weakness, they had a very rich taste. They were quite syrupy and creamy and the toffee flavours on offer were juicy. Furthermore, their smooth and shiny appearance was just as noticeable on the tongue as it had been to the eye. 

The Butter candies were very hard so pressure had to be applied in order to chew them. When doing so, the sweets would crunch, but then splinter in the process. These tiny pieces would then stick together again as chewing continued. For me, this felt like a bit of a chore and, really, is the only reason I don’t tend to buy this type of product. They were enjoyable to suck, too, but this would have taken even longer to get through the pack! 

Despite my slight frustration with the texture, these Storck Werther’s Original: Butter candies were very tasty, so I’d love to give their Creamy filling variety a go to see if I find it less of a hassle to eat! 

Appearance: 8/10
Aroma: 6/10
Overall score:

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