
Thursday 2 January 2014

Brontë Chocolate Chip And Stem Ginger Biscuits

Product name: Brontë Chocolate Chip And Stem Ginger Biscuits
Country of origin:

Apologies for being a bit quiet these last few days – I was away for the new year and lucky enough to stay in a lovely bed and breakfast with some very nice biscuits! For my first review of 2014, then, I’m going to review the first of these packs of two biscuits: Brontë Chocolate Chip And Stem Ginger Biscuits.

These ‘indulgent chocolate chip biscuits with delicious pieces of stem ginger’ were baked by Paterson Arran Ltd and came in quite a sophisticated-looking pale yellow and deep red wrapper which included an image of one of the biscuits but no nutritional information.

I’m not a massive fan of ginger but it’s ok so I was curious about how much I would or wouldn’t like these biscuits as 6% of them were made up of stem ginger. On opening the wrapper, they certainly had a strong gingerbread smell, but the pale biscuits also had quite a lot of dark, chunky chocolate chips which accounted for 13% of the product.

The biscuits were of a shortbread style and, consequently, contained shortbread granules which were made of wheat flour, butter and sugar. Texturally, they were lovely and crispy, and this went well with the soft chocolate chunks and the slight chewiness from the ginger.

The ginger’s taste within the shortbread was quite soft, overall, but the actual pieces of stem ginger gave a spicy strength at the back of the throat. This was quite pleasant but it was made nicer by the presence of the chocolate which, pleasingly, was noticeable, and cooled down the ginger’s flavour.

Ginger still isn’t my favourite flavour in the world but these biscuits were still very enjoyable and they went great with a cup of tea since this lessened the flavour a little more. Of course, if you’re a lover of ginger, you’d prefer these just as they are! 

Appearance: 7/10
Overall score:

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