
Sunday 15 December 2013

Reese's Sticks

Product name: Reese’s Sticks
Purchase details:
£0.69 for a 42g bar (United States Grocery)
220 per bar
Country of origin:

Another product I bought from United States Grocery with my Living Social voucher recently was this pack of Reese’s Sticks. I had tried them before, but only in miniature form, and that bag had to be brought back from Canada for me especially. Oh how glad I am that these foreign products are now so much easier to obtain!

The 42g bar was made by the Hershey Company and divided into two fingers made of chocolate (according to the front of the packaging), peanut butter and ‘crispy wafers’. As usual for Reese’s, the wrapper was a vibrant orange, and it also contained an illustration of the bar.

I was surprised to see that the back of the wrapper gave a slightly different product description with the chocolate now being ‘a milk chocolate flavoured coating’. However, I was delighted to see that a whopping 45% of the product was peanut butter crème whilst only 12% was wafer. On looking inside the bar, it was evident that the peanut butter layers were the thickest, and it did look quite moist next to the thinner wafers. The waxy-feeling chocolatey layer was also quite thin in appearance so I was looking forward to the peanut butter being the star of the show in this full-sized offering.

The bar smelt pretty much the same as Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in that there was a strong peanut buttery aroma that was mixed with some chocolatey scents. The only downside was I found that the wafer added a slightly less pleasant element.

As soon as I took a bite, the peanut butter taste was evident straight away and it was absolutely fanflippingtastic – nutty, sugary, salty and creamy all at once! Whilst it was a crispy bar, it melted well too, with the wafers dissolving into the crème – they didn’t make it dry at all. I did find it slightly strange that the chocolate flavoured coating was barely noticeable since, although I could feel it melt, it didn’t seem to add much flavour, but this may have been a good thing!

I don’t know whether it’s because I’d only ever had Reese’s Sticks: Minis before, or whether my memory just isn’t as good as I thought it was, but I genuinely didn’t remember them being quite this good. I wasn’t expecting the peanut butter taste to be quite so strong so I just loved how much flavour it provided – my idea of Heaven! 

Appearance: 7/10
Overall score:

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