
Friday 27 December 2013

Mrs. Freshley's Buddy Bars: Peanut butter wafers

Product name: Mrs. Freshley’s Buddy Bars: Peanut butter wafers
Purchase details:
£1.99 for a 57g bar (A Quarter of Sweets)
300 per bar
Country of origin:

You may remember that, a few months ago, I reviewed the Mrs. Freshley's Fudge Bake: Brownie (candy topped). Having enjoyed this, I was pleased to see that A Quarter of Sweets recently managed to obtain more Mrs. Freshley’s products and, me being me, I went straight for these Buddy Bars: Peanut butter wafers. (Thanks for the discount, by the way, guys!)

This pack of two peanut butter fingers came in a very similar wrapper to the Fudge Bake – it was slightly less colourful but it still allowed the inner product to be viewed. The packaging didn’t give a description of the snack but the main ingredient was peanut butter and it also contained cocoa.

The wafers had a typical criss-cross pattern on the top and were unevenly coated in a chocolatey-looking substance (this seemed to be where the cocoa was lurking!). Beneath this waxy-feeling coating were three layers of wafer and two thick layers of peanut butter. I can’t say the outer appearance was the most attractive thing in the world but the inside did redeem it slightly.

On first unwrapping the bars, the smell was very much like opening a jar of peanut butter – really rich and nutty. However, up close, there was a hint of a strange additional aroma which was almost like vinegar.

I was really surprised to find that the wafer itself had a strong, sweetened flavour which was evident through the coating. I usually find that wafer products simply provide texture! However, in this case, it was the taste of the cocoa that I struggled to detect, although I think it did add some kind of sugary taste. The peanut butter was lovely, though, since it provided a slightly sweet and pretty creamy flavour, as well as a hint of salt. 

The three elements of the bar all melded together in the mouth which made it a really nice product to suck. The wafer itself was light, crispy and fluffy and reminded me of the type used in Cadbury Time Out bars, albeit larger and softer, and the coating added a nice smoothness to the texture. For me, the only negative aspect of the texture was that the presence of the wafer did mean that the peanut butter couldn’t stick to the mouth in the way it normally would, but you can’t have everything!

On the whole, these Buddy Bars were such a simple concept yet the peanut butter made it really special. I just don’t understand why the UK doesn’t have products like this – they’re so simple but enjoyable!

I definitely want to keep this Buddy as a friend...  

Appearance: 6.5/10
Overall score:

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