
Tuesday 24 December 2013

Flipz White Fudge

Product name: Flipz White Fudge
Purchase details:
£2.25 for a 141g bag (Bold Street Sweets)
130 per seven pretzel serving (19 per pretzel)
Country of origin:

I’ve had my eye on the metallic blue bag of Flipz White Fudge for a long time and, when Bold Street Sweets recently had their half price day for Facebook fans, I finally took the plunge for £2.25 instead of the usual £4.50. 

The nearest I’ve ever got to coated pretzels was when I tried the wonderful Megaload Sweet & Salty in my pre-blogging days, but this was my first experience of the Flipz brand, as well as white fudge. In fact, I wasn’t even sure what white fudge was – all I knew from the ingredients was that it contained sugar, partially hydrogenated palm kernel and palm oils, milk, soy lecithin and artificial flavour. Whilst this didn’t sound terribly nutritious, the packaging did claim that the pretzels were ‘so completely irresistible’ that people would invent excuses to eat them. One example of this was being able to eat more because they had holes in – that did make me smile!

These Flipz were made by DeMet’s Candy Company and the bag contained about five 28g servings (although I preferred to have the odd pretzel here and there). The majority of my Flipz came stuck together in a couple of big clumps and, even though this wasn’t intentional, I quite liked it that way! However, I did notice that the cream-coloured coating didn’t appear that thick or even all over, so I did wonder what this would mean for the flavour. Based on the aroma, though, I didn’t think I had too much to worry about as it smelt fantastically creamy and vanilla-y.

This sweet vanilla element was, thankfully, very much present in the taste, too, and the overall flavour from the coating reminded me of cake frosting, which was lovely. Blending wonderfully with this was a saltiness from the pretzels themselves. This wasn’t very strong but it was noticeable and probably at just the right level to allow the fudge’s flavour to be properly enjoyed.

I was also delighted that the coating reminded me of white chocolate, although it was sweeter, and also had a slightly softer texture. This fudge melted well but, since the pretzel beneath was hard, it wasn’t the most comfortable way to eat this product. However, it did suddenly release the salt in a way that crunching the pretzels didn’t do, and this was a nice touch. I also enjoyed how, even when sucking the pretzels, they maintained their crunchiness rather that going soggy. As a final bonus, the shape of the pretzels, with their curved design and three holes, meant this snack was great to play with on the tongue.

Now I’m at the end of my review, I have a confession to make: I don’t actually like pretzels! Or, at least, I didn’t. I really thought these were fabulous since, not only did they have the delicious combination of sweet and savoury, this was as a result of elements that were very flavourful in their own right.

I think I’ll have to try the chocolate versions!

Appearance: 7/10
Aroma: 8/10
Taste: 8/10
Overall score:

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