
Wednesday 13 November 2013

BN Vanilla

Product name: BN Vanilla
Purchase details:
Tesco Superstore
87 per biscuit
Country of origin:

Following my recent review of BN Chocolate, I’ve finally started to eat my packet of BN Vanilla biscuits too. Again, I can’t remember what price I paid for this product, but the figure £1.49 rings a bell. According to Tesco's website, though, they’re currently on offer for £1.00.

The Vanilla version of BN were the same in appearance as the Chocolate variety but had a blue wrapper instead of a brown one which, combined with the green border, invoked thoughts of sky, trees and grass.

Each ‘vanilla flavour sandwich biscuit’ was the same in appearance as BN Chocolate (with differing facial expressions) but with a white filling. I found this to be such a contrast with the biscuits’ colour that it looked like the smiling faces had been on holiday and come back with a tan! The biscuits were identical to the ones used in the Chocolate version, though, with the same ingredients used. Thankfully, this 295g packet had also suffered fewer breakages.

As expected, the biscuits emitted the same cracker-like smell, and I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t detect a vanilla scent.

Again, the biscuits were identical in flavour to the ones I described in my BN Chocolate review but, this time, I found the filling worked better – probably because it was sweeter than the biscuits so distracted from the unusual biscuit taste! The centres were quite like icing sugar in flavour but the vanilla element was also noticeable. Overall, it felt a bit like I was eating giant custard creams with a far crispier texture.

I found these BN Vanilla biscuits to be surprisingly enjoyable but, as far as recommendations go, it definitely helps if you have a sweet tooth. 

Appearance: 8.5/10
Overall score:

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