
Friday 23 August 2013

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups: White

Product name: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups: White
110 per cup (220 per 42g pack of two cups)
Country of origin:

What’s more exciting than the orange wrapper of a Reese’s product? Why, a white Reese’s wrapper, of course!

My sister bought these Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups: White for me on a recent trip to an American candy store in Ulverston (proving that she really is the best sister in the world) so I don’t know the exact purchase details. However, it’s a crime that, bearing in mind I’ve seen them in various shops before, I’ve only ever tried them once previously. This from the girl who counts white chocolate and peanut butter as two of her favourite things!

Since I’ve reviewed the original version of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups before (see here), I’m not going to go into as much detail since the overall qualities are the same. Instead, I will only refer to the differences.

These cups were a slightly off-white colour which, I was pleased to see, didn’t have the same tendency to be covered in little crumbs. The peanut butter could be seen through the surface of the chocolate which suggested a thinner coating but I realised that this may simply have been the result of the lighter colour.

Whilst the white chocolate variety kept the same nutty smell, the chocolate itself didn’t emit an aroma which I was slightly disappointed by. However, it was deliciously smooth and creamy. The flavour itself wasn’t as strong as it could have been, and it wasn’t as sweet as the milk chocolatey version, but I still found it to be preferable in itself. However, I did find that this lack of sweetness made the peanut butter taste far too salty.

I mentioned in my Reese's Peanut Butter Cups review that I loved the flexibility of the coating and I noted that this white version didn’t reach quite as high a level in this area. However, contrary to its thin-looking appearance, it was actually really chunky in places which, I felt, more than made up for its lack of suppleness.

For me, this was yet another winner from Reese’s. I genuinely expected this product to score more highly than the original version but it was let down by one key area: the white chocolate needed a  stronger and slightly sweeter flavour just to balance out the peanut butter a little bit more. However, I still loved these cups and will definitely buy them again!

Appearance: 7.5/10
Overall score:

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